The Science of Failing

Groundbreaking research on the art and science of spectacular toddler disasters.

Featured article about learning through failure

10 Reasons Why Falling Builds Character

Our groundbreaking research reveals that toddlers who fall down more often develop stronger resilience, better spatial awareness, and an extraordinary sense of humor.


Professor Tara Mehta

PhD in Early Childhood Development

Published: May 15, 2023Read Article

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The latest research in failure science from our distinguished faculty

Recent article 1

Why Your Toddler's Messy Eating is Actually a Sign of Genius

New studies suggest that the more food ends up on your walls instead of in your child's mouth, the higher their creative potential.

4 min readRead More
Recent article 2

Why Your Toddler's Messy Eating is Actually a Sign of Genius

New studies suggest that the more food ends up on your walls instead of in your child's mouth, the higher their creative potential.

4 min readRead More
Recent article 3

Why Your Toddler's Messy Eating is Actually a Sign of Genius

New studies suggest that the more food ends up on your walls instead of in your child's mouth, the higher their creative potential.

4 min readRead More

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