Embracing Failure Early: The Secret to Lifelong Resilience
How early setbacks build the foundation for future success and emotional strength.
Groundbreaking research on the art and science of spectacular toddler disasters.
Our groundbreaking research reveals that toddlers who fall down more often develop stronger resilience, better spatial awareness, and an extraordinary sense of humor.
Professor Tara Mehta
PhD in Early Childhood Development
The latest research in failure science from our distinguished faculty
New studies suggest that the more food ends up on your walls instead of in your child's mouth, the higher their creative potential.
New studies suggest that the more food ends up on your walls instead of in your child's mouth, the higher their creative potential.
New studies suggest that the more food ends up on your walls instead of in your child's mouth, the higher their creative potential.
Explore our extensive research archives by specialized topics
Research on tumbles, trips, slips, and other gravity-related incidents.
23 Articles →The fine art of creating chaos with food, art supplies, and household items.
18 Articles →Advanced studies in meltdown methodology, timing, and theatrical elements.
15 Articles →Coping strategies for parents witnessing and cleaning up after spectacular fails.
20 Articles →The physics behind launching breakfasts, trajectory of snacks, and spaghetti distribution.
12 Articles →True tales from parents about their children's most spectacular public disasters.
25 Articles →Get the latest research on spectacular failures delivered straight to your inbox. We promise our emails will be more successful than our toddlers' attempts at using utensils.
We respect your privacy and will never share your email. We might accidentally spill juice on it though.
The latest research in failure science from our distinguished faculty
How early setbacks build the foundation for future success and emotional strength.
Discover why letting students wrestle with challenges leads to deeper understanding.
Stay tuned for more insights about learning through failure.